Safety Strap

Safety Strap

ab 12,90 17,99 

Simply attach it to the saddle with the help of a swivel carabiner (no tilting!), push the whip through, and you’re ready. The crop hangs safely and stably on the Equiclick in front of the saddle.

Functional, but also fashionable with 23 different colors and even personalization.

P.S.: Many keep the Equiclick on their person, either as a keychain or, in the case of an emergency, to quickly lead a horse if a rope is not available…the possibilities are endless.




* applies to deliveries within Germany. Please refer the button „Shipping Information“ for delivery times of other countries.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Additional information


Sicherheitsschniepel 1 Stück mit Schnalle, Ersatz-Sicherheitsschniepel 2er Set ohne Schnalle


16mm (Taomero, Equitrense, Equizaum: ZS-Pony), 20mm (Equizaum: Großpony – KB+, Weidehalfter), 30mm (die meisten handelsüblichen Halfter)


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As far as the product information doesn't contain any conditions, your item will be shipped in Germany within 14 days, outside of Germany within 21 days after the confirmation of your order (with arranged prepayment with the confirmation of payment instructions). Please be aware that no deliveries will be made on Sundays and holidays.

If you ordered your items within a particular timeframe but at varying times, we'll send you the items in one consolidated delivery whenever possible unless we've specified otherwise. In this case, the delivery time will be the same as the delivery time of the item you purchased with the longest delivery time.

International Shipping on request (info@equimero.de)!

Further products

  • inkl. 19 % MwSt.

    plus shipping and handling

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  • Our stirrup holders are deliberately equipped with rotating scissor snaps. Firstly, they don’t tilt and secondly you can open them very wide so that the stirrup holders can be attached anywhere you want. The click button allows opening and closing the stirr
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    NOTE: Due to the lighting conditions during product photography and different screensettings, the color of the product may not be reproduced authentically

    Please note: Neon colors may transfer.

    inkl. 19 % MwSt.

    plus shipping and handling

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  • Simply attach it to the saddle with the help of a swivel carabiner (no tilting!), push the whip through, and you’re ready. The crop hangs safely and stably on the Equiclick in front of the saddle.

    Functional, but also fashionable with 23 different colors and even personalization.

    P.S.: Many keep the Equiclick on their person, either as a keychain or, in the case of an emergency, to quickly lead a horse if a rope is not available…the possibilities are endless.

    inkl. 19 % MwSt.

    plus shipping and handling

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